If you wish to register for an event, please contact the organiser shown in the event details. You will need to be a paid member to register for an event (except if mentioned otherwise in the event). Experts to total novices are welcome to join our sailing events. When organising a sailing event, the organiser will always ask the participants about their sailing skill. The organiser will then, based on everyone’s responses, decide on how best to dived the participants into crews.
We are organising a Fitting Out Supper at the same time and in the same place as the AGM, ie at Le Coq en Pâte, 259 Tomberg, 1200 Woluwe-St-Lambert (near métros Gribaumont and Tomberg). We start the meal at 20.00 after the AGM, although an aperitif will be served during the AGM.
For €55 you will get an apéritif wine, 2 mises-en-bouche, starter, main course, dessert, coffee, water and wine – see menu attached.
If you do wish to join the meal (either with the AGM or if you plan to come after the AGM), please could you let me, Sue Bird, know what your choice of the 3 main courses is? I am at suebird121059@gmail.com or 0032476410875. Please could you let me know by Sunday 27 March?
At the same time please could you pay your €55 into the BISC bank account BE88 3630 9930 8741, with the reference “AGM meal”.
For more information, reach out to our chief event organiser Philip Easthill using the following email adress: events@brusselsinternationalsailingclub.be